Friday, January 30, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wintereenmas 2009

This is my tentative Wintereenmas Schedule. Of course in the spirt of gaming it is always open to change if anyone wishes to partake in Wintereenmas Festivities.

January 25th - Command and Conquer 3
January 26th - Tales of Vesperia
January 27th - Burnout Revenge
January 28th - Sins of a Solar Empire
January 29th - Team Fortress 2
January 30th - Starcraft
January 31st - World of Warcraft

Thursday, January 22, 2009


The Winter-een-mas season is almost apon us. I've got a suite of games lined up for this momentous holiday.  I need to go to the hardware store tonight to get materials for the traditional Winter-Een-Mas staff.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Maddness, oh the Maddness

Games Played for macdude22 from 19 Dec 2008 through 20 Jan 2009

Pandemic - 4
Arkham Horror - 2
California - 2
Chez Geek - 2
Chez Geek 2: Slack Attack - 2
Chez Geek 3: Block Party - 2
Munchkin Cthulhu - 1
Munchkin Cthulhu 2 - Call of Cowthulhu - 1
Pit - 1

I haven't played too much in the way of TableTop games in the past month but it appears we are rocking hard with Pandemic. The game is amazingly balanced in that it isn't too hard to win, but it's not a pushover either. There is significant strategy involved.

We have also been playing more Arkham horror, which we apparently suck bad at yet I enjoy the game. Maybe I just like the mythology, or perhaps I feel some day we will strike down the ancient one and close all the gates. I'm very interested in the Cthulhu LCG but the Core starter set isn't widely avalable yet.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Walmart had Sins of a Solar Empire for 20 bucks on Friday. I rarely buy Windows games, Command and Conquer Red Alert 3, C&C First Decade, and Galactic Civilization II, are among the only ones I've ever bought. I've milled about Sins of a Solar Empire for a long time now, at 20 bucks was worth my purchase. Impulse buy levels at that.

Game is fantastic my first game after the tutorials took me into 5AM Saturday morning without a second thought. It's been a long while since a game has entranced me like that. Highly reccomended, especially if you can pick up a copy at 20 bucks. My username is macdude22 or rakden or something, I don't remember at the moment. If you want to hit some multiplayer.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Apple Tax

The company meanwhile continues to criticize Apple for its alleged "Apple tax," a higher retail cost for computers which otherwise have the same specifications as a Windows system. In an e-mail sent to journalists this week, Microsoft argues that a low-end Mac mini is approximately 16 percent ($100) more costly than an equivalent PC, while a low-end iMac is 25 percent ($300) more expensive.

I'm getting a little tired of people citing this non existent "Apple" tax. That's like saying hey fool, you paid $16K for a corolla when you could have paid $12K for an Aveo. You got suckered by the Toyota tax. You know what's cheaper than a machine running windows. An EEE Box running Linux so why doesn't Microsoft tell us about the Microsoft Tax.

There's a lot of things that cost more in cold hard cash than other things. It's called competition, and it's actually a good thing. I'll stand by that for the average user, and likely a number of professionals, the Total Cost of Ownership is significantly lower.

Microsoft is just whiny that Apple can command such a price for premium products. Make a good product with moderately decent support, and guess what. People might want to buy it!!!! A novel concept. Microsoft should spend more time fixing Windows 7 and less time being whiny kids. But MOM...... Apple's MOM gave him more market share this quarter than you gave me. Microsoft, go to your room with out profit this quarter.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

INteresting health device

These guys look to take the idea of a pedometer to a hot new modern level. I'm interested in following how this thing plays out.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cash Scam

So MBS Direct, UW Extention's online bookstore which whom I purchased my books for the semester sent me an email. Sell back with us, get more money. I'm like aight, I don't need them anymore (Not continuing with the terribly managed program at UW-P, plus I can't take D2L much more, I'll post more on this exchange at a later date) so I click on the link, I'm not expecting much money but for the convenience I'll sell back to you guys. Click the link, log into my account, bam it says we are currently not buying any of your books. Thanks, not only are you not buying them but you tards sent me an email telling me to sell them back. Ugh.

I've listed them on cheap, hopefully I can unload them for at least beer money. I think all of them are going into new editions in a few months which is why they probably are not buying them. Textbooks are such a CASHEsCaMe